Satellite Assemblies


Mar 18, 2003
Des Moines, IA
Hi there. I have a large scale VB.Net project that is in the testing phase. As the project comes to a close, the client is looking at deploying the application in multiple languages. We knew this from the beginning so we put all of our error messages and other dynamic text into a resource file and then there are resource files for each form in each project in the solution.

Now, I know that you can use the resgen.exe tool to generate a .resources file from a .resx file and then use the al.exe tool to generate a .resources.dll file from the .resources file. You save it in a folder named the culture that you translated the text too, and it works great...for 1 form. But what if I have 20 forms in a project that I want to compile into the .resources.dll file for a separate language?

Can I use the al.exe to compile more than one file into the dll? If so, how?

Do I have to do it one file at a time or is there a way to compile them all at the same time?
Do I have to use the AL.exe tool to do this or is there another tool?

I have tried adding multiple file names separated by spaces and I have tried compiling them one by one with the same output file name. I tried rearranging the command line switches in hopes that would work, but nothing seems to work.

These are the commands that I used for one form. I will use fr (French) as an example of what language Im trying to translate to.
MyApp = My application name
MyForm = My form name
The resgen command that I use is this:
resgen "C:\MyApp\" "C:\"
The AL command that I use is this:
al /t:lib /embed:"C:\" /culture:fr /out:"C:\MyApp\fr\MyApp.resources.dll"

I then put this dll file into a folder named "fr" in the bin directory and in a folder named "fr" in the obj\debug directory

Like I said, it works fine for one form when I go through the whole process for just one form, but what do I do for multiple forms?

Thanks ahead of time!