HTML question

make a anchor,
and the to:
<a href="#Nameofanchor">Click</a> <- link to use

<a name="Nameofanchor"></a><- anchor :p
will this work in a forum?
you see, my webpage has a link that links to the middle of my forum.

will I be able to copy and paste the anchor into the forum? or will it display as regular text?
by the way, i think the method you used only links it to the same webpage, except in a different location.

thanks a lot :)
The anchor tag is the basic of basic HTML. If youre building some web-based forum software, you might want to read up on it a bit :)

The anchor is the way to go. You will have to define an anchor at any point you might want to link to. When you have the link TO that page, you can use the pound sign to indicate the name (as jorge pointed out). You can use JUST the anchor to link to an achor in the current page, or put it on the end of a URL to go to a specific place in a page, such as in this example:

The above shows a link to this topic with the full URL to the page, the thread (#75101) and the anchor (post376469).

You can right click on a web page, select View Source, and look at how other pages work. The HTML tags and syntax are free to grab. Some Javascript code might be copyrighted and the content of almost all pages is copyrighted through the Digital Millenium Act (for now). So plunder away (the HTML that is)!

Put a anchor in let say page10.htm, and name it it middel10,
The put a link on page one to:Page1.htm#middel10,
it should work.