Visual Source Safe Access issue


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2003

I created a .net project on a web server (not on my machine) and checked it in through visual studio .net.

When I bring up visual source safe on the server, I can see the project I checked in fine.

However, I am having trouble seeing the project when I bring up vss on my machine and select the vss database on the web server.

My user name is defined on both the vss on my machine and the vss on the server.

Are there any other settings I need to set in order to see the contents of the vss db on the server from the vss on my machine?

Thank you,

Do you get an error when trying to open the VSS database on the webserver (from your machine)? Or, do you open it fine but dont see the project (this would be VERY odd)?

If you cant open it at all, make sure you have the folder (and all subfolders) to the remote VSS database shared. If you can open it but cant see the project then I have NO idea. SourceSafe only has two levels of security: admin or read-only. I no of no way to hide projects...
