2 How to make Search find words no only at the beginning but also in the middle of the line?
Private Sub btnFindMachine_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFindMachine.Click
Dim srchWord As String
Dim wordIndex As Integer
srchWord = InputBox("Enter the Machine Address to search for")
wordIndex = lstListMachines.FindStringExact(srchWord)
If wordIndex >= 0 Then
lstListMachines.TopIndex = wordIndex
lstListMachines.SelectedIndex = wordIndex
wordIndex = lstListMachines.FindString(srchWord)
If wordIndex >= 0 Then
lstListMachines.TopIndex = wordIndex
lstListMachines.SelectedIndex = wordIndex
MsgBox("Machine Address " & srchWord & " is not in this list")
End If
End If
End Sub