Trying to invoke calls to .CHM help using Win32 API.
The function is declared as follows
Public Declare Function HTMLHelp Lib "HHCtrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA" _
(ByVal hWndCaller As Long, ByVal pszFile As String, ByVal uCommand As Long, _
ByVal dwData As Integer) As Long
The call to this function runs straight through and returns a Windows handle reference but no Help Window is invoked.
The test of the HTML API when I use the Microsoft Help Workshop picks out the targetted page fine.
Any suggestions
The function is declared as follows
Public Declare Function HTMLHelp Lib "HHCtrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA" _
(ByVal hWndCaller As Long, ByVal pszFile As String, ByVal uCommand As Long, _
ByVal dwData As Integer) As Long
The call to this function runs straight through and returns a Windows handle reference but no Help Window is invoked.
The test of the HTML API when I use the Microsoft Help Workshop picks out the targetted page fine.