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- Jun 24, 2003
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Hi all,
I posted on the forums sister site relating to error handling and VB6.
As I am attempting to develop VB6 applications that can be easily ported to vb.net (also the fact that I am new to VB.net) how can I use a similar method to the example below for error handling.
I am aware you dont have error handling in .net but exception handling instead.
class could look something like this:
In raise error where it says save and log the error, at this point the error will be stored in a database table, the main reason for creating the strategy.
And your main code like this:
I posted on the forums sister site relating to error handling and VB6.
As I am attempting to develop VB6 applications that can be easily ported to vb.net (also the fact that I am new to VB.net) how can I use a similar method to the example below for error handling.
I am aware you dont have error handling in .net but exception handling instead.
class could look something like this:
Option Explicit
Dim m_Number As Long
Public Sub RaiseErr(funcName As String, errNum As Long, errDesc As String, passError As Boolean)
If (errNum <> 1001) Then
Save and log the error
m_Number = errNum
Debug.Print "Error raised in " & funcName & ":"
Debug.Print errNum & " : " & errDesc
End If
Pass error up to next object
If (passError) Then Err.Raise 1001
End Sub
Public Property Get Number() As Long
Number = m_Number
End Property
In raise error where it says save and log the error, at this point the error will be stored in a database table, the main reason for creating the strategy.
And your main code like this:
Option Explicit
Module level error object
Dim errObj As cError
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set errObj = New cError
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error Goto Abort
Exit Sub
errObj.RaiseErr "Command1_Click()", Err.Number, Err.Description, False
If (errObj.Number = 11) Then
MsgBox "Please do not divide by zero, thankyou"
MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Func1()
On Error Goto Abort
Exit Sub
errObj.RaiseErr "Func1()", Err.Number, Err.Description, True
End Sub
Private Sub Func2()
On Error Goto Abort
Exit Sub
errObj.RaiseErr "Func2()", Err.Number, Err.Description, True
End Sub
Private Sub Func3()
On Error Goto Abort
Dim i As Long
i = 1 / 0
Exit Sub
errObj.RaiseErr "Func3()", Err.Number, Err.Description, True
End Sub