Associated files


Feb 14, 2003
Los Angeles
When a file is dubble clicked in Windows Explorer, the correct program is started, and once started, the clicked file opens in the application as if the application was started from the start menu and afterwards the file was opened from the file->open menu. How can I do this for my applications?
You would use the Process class and send parameters to it depending on the application to open the certain file.
Suppose this would be a word alike app. How to use this Process class? Or can I specify in the setup project that a certain extension that I choose should be associated with my application and that when a file of that type is dubble clicked, the full path and filename should be passed to a spedific function in my project?
Oh you want windows to associate a certain file extention with your app. You dont need to use the Process class for that. But I have never done it yet and you will probably have to wait for one of these other guys to respond or
Look on the net for
how to associate file type with application .net
yes, and how to program so the program expects a parameter from the environment... Probably some parameter list for main or something