Hi guys,
I new to these forums, and to xml. I have read most of the posts on xml here, and they have helped a lot. I can now access the data in the xml file that I wrote for a program I have. The xml data is given below:
I have a schema set up for the xml file, so first question, do i have to keep the schema with the xml file, or is there a way to make the above xml file look in a particular place for the shcema?
The code below is what I use to access the data in the xml file:
Cell, Generations, InitialSeed, InitialPos, DecRule, and Rule() are all defined globally in another module.
Basically the xml is holding data for my program, and that data is loaded when the program starts up. The above may not be what you call pretty, or very effective, but it does work for my xml file. (Baby steps at the moment). Now what I want to do is to update the values in the xml file when the program is shutting down, so that next time it starts up it has new initial input. Is there a way I can simply write to a specific node of the xml file? From what Ive read xmlwriter simply writes over the xml file completely, is this right?
I new to these forums, and to xml. I have read most of the posts on xml here, and they have helped a lot. I can now access the data in the xml file that I wrote for a program I have. The xml data is given below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <CADataList xmlns="http://tempuri.org/CAData.xsd">
- <CAData>
- <Rule>
- <AutomatonData>
I have a schema set up for the xml file, so first question, do i have to keep the schema with the xml file, or is there a way to make the above xml file look in a particular place for the shcema?
The code below is what I use to access the data in the xml file:
Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Module ModXML
Public Const filename As String = "CADataList.xml"
Public binstring As String
Public Sub XMLRead()
Dim reader As XmlTextReader = Nothing
reader = New XmlTextReader(filename)
reader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None
While reader.Read()
Select Case reader.NodeType
Case XmlNodeType.Element
Case XmlNodeType.Text
If reader.Depth = 4 Then
Select Case reader.LineNumber
Case 5 (The vlaue of "Binary")
binstring = reader.Value
Case 6 (The vlaue of "Decimal")
DecRule = reader.Value
Case 9 (The vlaue of "Cell")
Cell = reader.Value
Case 10 (The vlaue of "Generations")
Generations = reader.Value
Case 11 (The vlaue of "InitialSeed")
InitialSeed = reader.Value
Case 12 (The vlaue of "InitialPos")
InitialPos = reader.Value
End Select
End If
Case XmlNodeType.CDATA
Case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction
Case XmlNodeType.Comment
Case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration
Case XmlNodeType.Document
Case XmlNodeType.DocumentType
Case XmlNodeType.EntityReference
Case XmlNodeType.EndElement
End Select
End While
If Not (reader Is Nothing) Then
End If
For i = 1 To 8
Rule(i) = Mid(binstring, i, 1)
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub XMLWrite()
Dim writer As XmlTextWriter = Nothing
End Sub
End Module
Cell, Generations, InitialSeed, InitialPos, DecRule, and Rule() are all defined globally in another module.
Basically the xml is holding data for my program, and that data is loaded when the program starts up. The above may not be what you call pretty, or very effective, but it does work for my xml file. (Baby steps at the moment). Now what I want to do is to update the values in the xml file when the program is shutting down, so that next time it starts up it has new initial input. Is there a way I can simply write to a specific node of the xml file? From what Ive read xmlwriter simply writes over the xml file completely, is this right?