

Active member
Aug 8, 2003
Harrogate, UK
I am new to VB.NET and unsure of the way this works. I have a form with a variety of controls and to keep things nice and neat I have written some sub routine methods in another class vb file for the form to perform. The class with the sub routine methods in has references to controls on the form. I assumed if you create a link as I have done below and the methods are public then I could reference the methods from the form class. However when I do it this way I get a null reference error and if I add new to the linking instances it gives me a stack overflow error. My code is as follows:
Public Class Form1

Public objSomeMethods As SomeMethods


End Class

Public Class SomeMethods

Public objForm1 As Form1

public Sub method1()


End Sub

Public Sub method2()


End sub

End Class

Can someone explain the proper way of going about this as I am a bit confused.
Many Thanks!
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When you create an instence of the class you will need to pass the instance of the form either in the constructor or through a property/method.

Right now the objForm1 knows nothing about the current form1
Do you know the best way to do this? I know how to do it in Java

Controller cObj = new Controller(this);
Model mObj = new Model(this, cObj);

Above in Java with 2 class instances Controller and Model; to link the model to controller you pass in an instance parameter of the controller into the model object.
You create instances of the objects you use by:
Public Class Form1

Give an Instance of this class to the SomeMethods
Public objSomeMethods As SomeMethods = New SomeMethods(Me)


End Class

Public Class SomeMethods
Public objForm1 As Form1

Get a Reference to Form1 on creation
Public Sub New(ByRef AForm1 As Form1)
If AForm1 Is Nothing Then _
      Throw New ArgumentNullException("You must pass a valid Form1 Object")
objForm1 = AForm1
End Sub

Public Sub method1()


End Sub

Public Sub method2()


End Sub
End Class
The second method you could use is:
Public Class Form1

Give an Instance of this class to the SomeMethods
Public objSomeMethods As SomeMethods = New SomeMethods()
SomeMethods.objForm1 = Me


End Class

Public Class SomeMethods
Public objForm1 As Form1

Public Sub method1()


End Sub

Public Sub method2()


End Sub
End Class
The first method is probably better because you can make sure the programmer passes a Form1 to prevent errors
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Cheers for the help, but still having problems. Both methods look logical. Passing reference in a method or constructor, but still gives a null system reference error. Damn! This is frustrating.

In the first method, the line its complaining about is:

Public objSomeMethods As SomeMethods = New SomeMethods(Me)

In the second method, the line below is giving a syntax error as needing a declaration:

SomeMethods.objForm1 = Me

Hopefully we will get there somehow!
Try moving the New command to the New for Form1:
Public objSomeMethods As SomeMethods
Public Sub new()
objSomeMethods = New SomeMethods(Me)
End Sub
The error shouldnt be occuring, make sure the class is actually loaded before the line is called