Data Share for 2 Windows Applications


New member
Sep 19, 2003

I want to data share for two Windows Applications.

I create two proyects Windows Applications (EXE) and a Class Proyect (DLL).

Class Proyect: I have a class with methods for use the serial port. The object is declared as public static (The object is MSCOMM. I import it from Visual Studio 6).

Runnig one Windows Application I open the serial port COM1.

Then I run the other Windows Application but I cant open the serial port COM1 because the device is been used for the first application.

I want to load the Class Proyect only one.

Thanks for your time. Sorry for my English, Im Spanish...
I think he wants to use the same reference in 2 projects(Class Library creates an old MSCOMM control then that single reference can then be used by multiple applications on the same port)

You need to pass the variable containing the reference to the other program, I havent tried this so Im not sure how youd do it though
Thats the Question !!


Yes, My question is how I can use the same reference for the old MSCOMM control in 2 projects?

I think its posible, Ill need to load MSCOMM in a unsafe block code and Ill need to use pointer.