Card Game Console


New member
Sep 20, 2003
Im not sure if this is the right forum, but Im trying to figure out how to deal out a set of 52 cards to two players, using classes.
This is what Ive got so far:

Module Module1

declare an enum structure to hold the four types of cards
available to loop through

Enum Suite As Short
Hearts = 3
Spades = 6
Diamonds = 4
Clubs = 5
End Enum

Class Card
Public m_nValue As Short value of cards
Public m_nSuite As Suite declare instance for enum structure
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return m_nValue & Chr(m_nSuite)
End Function
End Class

Class Deck
Dim m_nRandom As Random to sort cards randomly
Public m_Cards As Collection data structure for cards
Public m_Shuffled As Boolean to check to see if cards have been shuffled or not

Sub New() new card deck function
m_Cards = New Collection establish a m_Cards data structure
m_Shuffled = False setting the initial value of cards shuffled to false
FillDeck() calling my fill deck function everytime the deck is created
Shuffle() calling the shuffle function everytime the deck is created
End Sub

Sub FillDeck() fill deck function
m_Shuffled = False
m_Cards = New Collection sets the cards to nothing, then create a new deck of cards
Dim nLoopProcess As Short loop variable to count card types 1-13
Dim nSuits As Suite variable to count through all the available cards
Dim nCardNew As Card variable to hold a new card in

loop processing to looping through the available card types

For nLoopProcess = 1 To 13
For nSuits = Suite.Hearts To Suite.Clubs
nCardNew.m_nValue = nLoopProcess
nCardNew.m_nSuite = nSuits
End Sub

Sub Shuffle() the shuffle deck function

declaring two random number variables to shuffle the card deck

Dim nRandom1 As Short = m_nRandom.Next(0, m_Cards.Count)
Dim nRandom2 As Short = m_nRandom.Next(0, m_Cards.Count - 1)

declaring a card swap variable to remove the first random number, then add the card swap variable to the second card

Dim nCardSwap As Card = m_Cards.Item(nRandom1)
m_Cards.Add(nCardSwap, , nRandom2)

use a for/next loop to go through the 52 possibilities of the card deck and re-sort

For nRandom2 = 1 To 52
m_Cards.Remove(nRandom1) randomly selecting a card and removing it
m_Cards.Add(nCardSwap, , nRandom2) randomly adding a card to the card swap variable, with the random 2 variable
m_Shuffled = True setting the shuffled property to true in this case

End Sub

Sub DealDeck() dealing cards to players function

End Sub
End Class

Im thinking two more random numbers b/c player 1 might get more than player 2, so forth. I merely posted code to show you what I have, any tips/suggestions for dealing this deck would be appreciated.