Distribution to .Net without the framework, looking for a REAL solution


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2003
Ok, some people have the .net framework. Most people dont.

I want others to use my applications.

I know that many people dont want to download a large file just to run a small app, some people dont have administrator access and some people want to put their program on a disc and run it wherever they want to (within reason).

This also applies to custom controls really. Theyre all references to .dlls.

Is there a way to just put the .dlls that you need in the directory with your application without installing them on someones computer for everything to use?

Like just tell vb: "These 5 dlls will be in the programs directory, or a subdirectory."

If all youre using is the forms .dll, it seems to me that you could drop the other references (like xml and drawing) that youre not using.
There is a lot of inter-dependencies between the DLLs, for example even though you might not use drawing it is required by windows forms (things like rectangle, point etc are declared there). Also simply copying the dlls onto a computer wouldnt perform the required updates to get the framework in place. Various config files etc need to be created under <windir>\Microsoft.Net.
The registry needs to be updated to point to various core dlls within the framework (so admin access would be required anyway).
The full framework is only about 23Meg and can be shipped with the app on CD as well (and its part of the windows update). Plus as more people use the framework the more likely it will be installed.
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Yeah at work, I install the framework when I install all of the patches on all the PCs I put together, just in the off chance theyll need to run software I created.

It just looks extremely unprofessional to say, heres my program, but you have to install this 20mb program to run my 1mb program. To someone who knows about programming it wouldnt be a big deal, but these arent very computer saavy people. Then the boss is like "what the hell do you mean we have to install this on all the computers to use the inventory software".

I was just hoping for an easy fix. Heck, its only 20mb? I swear, this .Net stuff must be like quintuple compressed. VB.Net Is the longest Ive ever seen a single cd take to install and the .net framework is the longest upgrade of the bunch behind IE6.
I guess from a developers view, you need to know the audience. Then build based off that. If your audience cant be bothered with the framework, then another language would need to be used.
Personally, i think the .NET fromework should be on every machine that runs windows, but thats just my opinion.
Originally posted by kleptos
I guess from a developers view, you need to know the audience. Then build based off that. If your audience cant be bothered with the framework, then another language would need to be used.
Personally, i think the .NET fromework should be on every machine that runs windows, but thats just my opinion.
I personaly agree, i hope ms will include it into longhorn, but i gues it will take about 15 more your for it to be a standart requerment for programs lol
.NET programs require the whole framework installed, end of story. The framework already comes with Windows Server 2003 and will come with future versions.

If the dependancy on runtime dlls is a problem, I would have thought you would have chosen a language that is capable of writing programs without those dependancies (like c) to begin with.