Hi i need help


New member
Sep 22, 2003
Hi im writing a library that encrypt strings usin the cryptographic servises from the net framework.

The program work good in a windows Xp and 2000.
the problem is in Win 98 the program works ok but when i run the ngen i get a msgbox with this message:

"Application has generated an exception that could not be handled"
and in the program show me a nullReferenceexception.

Sombody knows what is happend?
Please Help me
that exception occurs normally when you are referencing a object which has not been initialized, using the "new" command
for example
Dim col As Collection

The above will not work because the object was not initialized.
Instead, use the following:
Dim col As Collection = New Collection()

The first option will work with a extra line of code:
col = New Collection()
Yes i know, but this exception trhow inside the .net class. Only in Win98.
The solution i found is to use the RijndaelManaged encryption service provider. I dont know why but is the only service that works.

thanks for the reply