Accessing the ROT


New member
Jul 22, 2003
Hello, just had a question about getting an instance of the Running Objects Table and working with it.

Heres what Im trying to accomplish: Im trying to connect to a running instance of Internet Exporer via a VB.NET app and get IE to navigate and submit forms, etc. I found that I can work with IE via Automation and Ive been using this MSDN article:;en-us;176792

It talks about IE4 not registering itself in the ROT. The article talks about using the ShellWindows collection to find and connect to an already running instance of IE4. Ive used the example code and it works ok, but since Im using IE6 I wanted to know if I should be using more updated methods of finding an instance of IE6 and connecting to it (via the ROT).

After looking through the .NET help, I found that the:

Public Interface UCOMIRunningObjectTable

has member functions like EnumRunning and GetObject. Unfortunately this is starting to go beyond my knowledge of VB and .NET. To use GetObject, it looks like I have to pass in a Reference to the moniker to search for in the ROT. What is a moniker? Do I have to use the EnumRunning method first and then pass this return object into the GetObject method? Im at a total loss here. Im not sure how to include the UCOMIRunningObjectTable interface in my code also.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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