where can I find a Screen Map with the XY coordinates,


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2003

Does anyone knows where can I find a Screen Map with the XY coordinates, that will allow me to position objects correctly on the computer screen.


Not sure what youre asking, but you may want to look at the Control.PointToClient method which will calculates a screen point from a client (form) point and the Control.PointToScreen method which calculates a client point from a screen point.

If Im way off the mark here, let me know.
Just as an Add-In Note....When working with System.Windows.Forms.Form, To successfully position forms on the screen using Control.PointToClient and Control.PointToScreen you must first set the Form.StartPosition to System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.Manual enum option. This was a problem I was working with on creating custom menus. My forms kept showing up in different locations eveytime they were shown even though I was setting the location to the same point. Setting the Form.StartPosition to Manual solved this problem. This only applies to Forms and not to Child Controls. Hope this is helpful to anyone who is sufferring with the form positioning problem.