At What Age did you start programming?


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2003
What age did you start programming (with visual basic.... or something related)? Well.... Im 12 years old, Im halfway done reading "Visual Basic.NET 2003 Step by Step", and I can program O.K. with VB. I also know Photoshop 7.0 really well. And I know practically everything In Microsoft Frontpage 2000. Also, Macromedia Flash MX is another thing i am a *expert* at. I have months of experience with these programs. Next year I will be learning OpenGL (no joke). I take my time and effort for everything that I do. I hope eventually when I grow up these skills will do me good and look good on my resume :cool: . At school I know everything about computers (im a comp. geek;) ) people always ask me their questions. I have my own laptop, and Im in the laptop program at my school. I use my laptop for everything in almost all my classes (except Honors math and P.E.), and have been for the last 2 years. So.... well... tell us your stories!!:)
Kids got it so easy. :( I remember back in the day when all of my programming was done via notepad.
Originally posted by whosyodaddy
The only reason kids get it easy is because they are more eager and excited to do the things than adults. A

That doesnt make sense at all, especially since whether or not someone is eager or excited has nothing to do with age, it has to do with the individual.
I started when I was 9 (I think - long time ago) on a Vic 20. Ok, earlier if you count the computers at K-Mart (a Timex Sinclair and others). My first "real" program was on a Vic 20. But, alas, there was no hard drive, no disk drive and no tape drive - when it was turned off (for Love Boat - Sunday night), the program went away. It was a Zork-like knockoff with two rooms and took 5 or 6 commands. It was coooool.
Later I got a tape drive and thought it was the bomb!

Random thoughts... ah...

i started at 7... ahem.. learned very very very simple stuff in C++
:( i stopped after 6 months :D and startet again when i was 9.. then i started to learn VB6... didnt progress much..

i made whack a mole when i was 10 , i stopped when i was 11, and started again when i was 12.. and programmed an unfinished flickery rpg with picrtureboxes.. and the only thing you could do is move..:p

when i was 13, i got - then i was like"woah!!!!!, vb6 is SO much easier.."]

then i realized that all the code that it generated was good
and that i didnt need to worry about it

heh, now im 14, and im struggling with directX - wow.. thats 7 years of programming, i havent progressed much.. :p
I think I was 12 when I wrote my first program... a vocabluary-learning prog (right spelled?) ... my dad helped me and (dont laugh) I used VBA and Excel to write it.... after some days it worked - but I rarely used it... the next thing I did was creating an Access Database and its frontend about two years ago (I was 17) - again VBA .... and now its VB.NET and C# in my job.... I swear Ill never touch VBA again... ;-)
I started programming when I was 8... on my ZX Spectrum!!
While other kids were breaking their joysticks apart I was making my first game :) I made a cool game with a man pushing and pulling a table caching the plates that randomlly were droping from the sky ... :D cool game...

Now Im 26, Ive most MS Certifications (MCSD, MCSA & MCDBA) and everyday I have another proof that dont know 1/1000000(0) of this...
Actually I put 23 on the poll, but now that I think of it, when I was 13, my grandfather got a mac plus. I was all into the hypercard writing scripts and games on that thing...

heck it was about all there was to do, there were like 4 shareware games on it and no internet access.

Then it was nothing until I got a vb disc with my vb class in college. I couldnt figure it out. I took two classes and finished the book at about the halfway point of the semister (the book is for two semisters!). Since the teacher was just keeping up one lesson at a time (she wasnt a programmer) me and one other guy had to correct all of her mistakes and help out on the lessong :)

I only wish I had opportunities to start programming earlier... I feel like its been time wasted.

people always say "find work that youre happy doing" and programming is it for me. I never knew that until I was 23.
i started when i was 15 (im 17 now)with pascal and because i found it too difficult as my first language i learnt Batch scripting and then qbasic, html and now VB6 .... gonna move to VC++ soon
ok, if writing music on the BBC counts, then i was about 9....

But i only started programming properly on my degree course in Computer Science. I didnt even have a computer when I applied for the degree :) I only chose it cos i figured it would be something I could do.

But then, I do this programming lark cos it gets me money - not for the love of all things technical like most people in here!
Are you talking about a BBC Microcomputer? I used to enjoy writing music on those using BASIC back in school.
I was 12 or 13.

I remember using the TRS-80 with the tape recorder as data storage device.

My accomplishments included:
* a football game that was nothing like madden 84.
* a screensaver that turned individual pixcells on or off in an endless loop - there were only 2 colors back then black or white so this was state of the art.

It has been alll down hill since then.
Heh, the only thing I ever used a BBC for was annoying the librarians with endlessly repeating .... er.... "hello world" programs. ;)
think i was aroud 10-11 when i started toying in vb6, wich is whet my dad uses, then i aroud 13 i started to get a bit more serius and make some app that make my life easier,
The i starte HTML, CSS and then PHP, im not a Super good in any of them, but i get alone very well, and about 3 moths ago i started, wich i thing is a lot better than vb6, made 3 aplications so far that are on the internet somewhere.
and latly im getting into photoshop.
I want to try C++, but it lookt to complicated.