I have code running detailed below that uses a FileSystemWatcher to check for the creation of a file which then call the GenerateP2Textfile function.
This function uses a loop with a DoEvents call in it and stays in the loop until the file in question has content.
The loop exits OK as the rest of the code after the loop runs OK as does the app.
However when everything else is all done and dusted the code when Im stepping through it returns to the DoEvents loop??
Have I missed something??
This function uses a loop with a DoEvents call in it and stays in the loop until the file in question has content.
The loop exits OK as the rest of the code after the loop runs OK as does the app.
However when everything else is all done and dusted the code when Im stepping through it returns to the DoEvents loop??
Have I missed something??
Private Sub FileSystemWatcher1_Changed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs) Handles FileSystemWatcher1.Changed
Dim fwFileWatcher As FileSystemWatcher = DirectCast(sender, FileSystemWatcher)
call sub to extract PIs from p1.txt and write them to p2.txt
If Not GenerateP2Textfile(fwFileWatcher) Then
End If
this will only get checked if the p2.txt was created successfully
Me.chkP1Detected.Checked = True
End Sub
Private Function GenerateP2Textfile(ByVal fwFileWatcher As FileSystemWatcher) As Boolean
Dim strFileName As String
get the full path of the p1.txt file
strFileName = fwFileWatcher.Path & "\" & fwFileWatcher.Filter
open a fileinfo object against p1.txt
Dim fFileInfo As FileInfo = New FileInfo(strFileName)
stay in this loop until circe-mi has written data to p1.txt
Loop Until fFileInfo.Length > 0
Dim srFile1 As StreamReader
Dim srFile2 As StreamWriter
Dim strDelimiter As String = ControlChars.Tab
Dim chrDelimiter As Char() = strDelimiter.ToCharArray()
Dim strWords As String
Dim strSplit As String() = Nothing
open a stream reader to read p1.txt
srFile1 = New StreamReader(strFileName)
open a stream writer to write to p2.txt
srFile2 = New StreamWriter(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) & "\p2.txt", True)
Dim intX As Integer
read in one line at a time
strWords = srFile1.ReadLine
Do While strWords <> Nothing
decipher the delimiters used
For intX = 1 To 9
strSplit = strWords.Split(chrDelimiter, intX)
Next intX
write the first field out to p2.txt
read in the next line
strWords = srFile1.ReadLine
Return True
Catch objException As Exception
ShowError("Location: Class frmCIRCEImports" & ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & _
"Procedure: GenerateP2Textfile(ByVal fwFileWatcher As FileSystemWatcher)" & ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & "Error Text: " & _
Return False
End Try
End Function