Vb.net or C++


New member
Jul 14, 2003
I am very confused this time, i dont know which language should i learn.
which language should i learn VB.net or C++. I hope the following explanation will help you to give me suggestion.

1. I am interested in Controlling different type of machines from computer (creating software for that purpose, Artificial Intelligence, Game development.

2. I have some expereince of visual basic but sometimes i feel that it make me limited.

Is vb.net have the some power as c++ :(
If you want to make drivers for machines then C++ all the way :). It gives you more access to the low level stuff.
For most appliaction VB.NET or any other language are good enough so I wouldnt say that it will limit you in a very large way.
My suggestion is, forget VB .net and learn C# instead. That way if you want to move on to C++ it will be easier to do.