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OK - I have a plug in framework where my application can have 3rd party plug-ins added via the .config file (provided they confrom to the IPlugIn interface...)
What I have so far reads the Type Name and checks if it supports the interface OK - but how do I instantiate an object of that type if it does?
I have.....
Then in the application....
Thanks in advance,
What I have so far reads the Type Name and checks if it supports the interface OK - but how do I instantiate an object of that type if it does?
I have.....
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Extra custom configuration sections -->
<section name="printerEventListeners"
type="PrinterMonitorService.CustomConfigurationSectionReaders.PrinterEventListenersSectionReader" />
<!-- Key = the unique name by which the listener is known,
ClassType = the full type name of the class implementing IPrinterEventListenerBase ,
CommandLine = startup parameters for that class -->
<printerEventListener key="printerEventListener1"
commandLine="c:\printerEventListener1.log" />
Then in the application....
For Each PrintJobListener In PrintJobListeners
If PrintJobListener.ImplementingClassType.IsSubclassOf(GetType(PrintJobMonitorListenerBase)) Then
\\ Add an instance of the PrintJobMonitorListenerBase derived class...
If ApplicationTracing.TraceVerbose Then
Trace.WriteLine("PrintJobMonitorListenerBase derived class: " & PrintJobListener.ImplementingClassType.ToString, Me.GetType.ToString)
<-- What to put here ????
End If
End If
Thanks in advance,