Imports System
Namespace ConsoleApplication1
MustInherit Class item
Public Function getprice() As single
Return price
End Function
Public Function getquantity() As Integer
Return quantity
End Function
Public abstract Integer getounces()
Public abstract void setounces(Integer oz)
Private price As single
Private quantity As Integer
End Class
Class pepsi
Implements item
Public Overrides Function getounces() As Integer
Return ounces
End Function
Public Overrides Sub setounces(ByVal oz As Integer)
End Sub
Private ounces As Integer
End Class
/ <summary>
/ Summary description for Class1.
/ </summary>
Class Class1
/ <summary>
/ The main entry point for the application.
/ </summary>
<STAThread> _
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim someitem As item
someitem = New pepsi()
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Converted from C# to VB .NET using CSharpToVBConverter(1.2).
Developed by: Kamal Patel (
This may not be a perfect convert to VB.Net, but it should get you started. BTW, There are a ton of c# to converters online.