local path to files from project.


Active member
Jun 10, 2003
hello guys , i hope all is well and all is ok ..

i have a question about paths etc , i want to set up a new .exe program that can display html pages from the hard drive.

i know when i start a new project it creates folders and files.

the project files , a bin and an obj folder.

i wanted to make sure that my html pages are placed in a new folder say called "pages" that are on the same level as bin and obj.

i know a little about web design so know that on the web i can use a local path such as ./pages/name-of-file.html

i can get it to work by adding the complete path such as c:\folder\another-folder\file-name.html

i can see a problem if i send the files over in a zip to someone they need to un-zip in the same folders on their pc as i have them set to , but if the calls for the files were local to the .exe then it wouldnt matter ..

ok probably simple but cant see what to do so if someone can send me a few details it would be great.

Kind Regards
well the path thing can be found like this ( ending in \bin )
you could however embed the html files in to your application rather than have them seperate, then call them from inside the app.
hello again , yes this works just fine , however as i am new to this type of usage , can you give some more details on how i could use files as embeded ? just to help me along :)

Kind Regards