A FewQuestions!


Sep 24, 2003
Good evening everyone! I have a few questions...ok 3 questions to ask.

Here is a little background about the program i am working on:

I need to create an application that calculates and displays payroll for 4 employees. It accepts the following data from the user.
1) Num of hours worked.
2.) Hourly Rate.
3)Precent withheld for Fica.
4)Precent for federal.
5.Percent for State.

It then must NOT allow the user to enter anymore data after the 4 employees have been entered!

So after all that here is my code for the calc_click method, and few Sub and Functions that I created to impress those who looked at the program.

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        Declares local variables for btnCalculate_Click Method
        Dim empName As String
        Dim hrRate, hrsWorked As Single
        Dim stateTax, fedTax As Single
        Dim totalPay, grossPay, ficaTax As Single

        Gets data,compute payroll,display results

        Call InputData(empName, hrRate, hrsWorked, fedTax)
        grossPay = Gross_Pay(hrRate, hrsWorked)
        ficaTax = Fica_Tax(grossPay, ficaTax)
        fedTax = Fed_Tax(grosspay, fedTax)
        stateTax = State_Tax(grosspay, stateTax)
        totalPay = CSng(Total_Pay(grossPay, ficaTax, fedTax, stateTax))
        Call ShowPayroll(empName, grosspay, totalPay, ficaTax, fedTax, stateTax)

    End Sub
    Sub InputData(ByRef empName As String, ByRef hrRate As Single, ByRef hrsWorked As Single, ByRef fedTax As Single)
         Enter above two lines as one
         Get payroll data for employee
        empName = txtName.Text
        hrRate = CInt(Val(txtRate.Text))
        hrsWorked = CInt(Val(txtHours.Text))
        fedTax = CInt(Val(txtFederal.Text))

    End Sub

    Sub ShowPayroll(ByRef empName As String, ByRef pay As Single, ByRef totalPay As Single, ByRef ficaTax As Single, ByRef fedTax As Single, ByVal stateTax As Single)
         Payroll output for listbox
         Payroll output for listbox
        lstOutput.Items.Add("Payroll results for ", & empName)
        lstOutput.Items.Add("     Gross pay this period:", FormatCurrency(pay)    
        lstOutput.Items.Add("     Fica Taxes this period:", FormatCurrency(ficaTax)
        lstOutput.Items.Add("     Federal Income tax withheld:", FormatCurrency(fedTax)
        lstOutput.Items.Add("     State Income tax withheld:", FormatCurrency(stateTax)
        lstOutput.Items.Add("Net pay:", FormatCurrency(totalpay)
    End Sub

    Private Function Gross_Pay(ByRef hrWage As Single, ByRef hrsWorked As Single) As Single
         Compute weekly pay before taxes
        If hrsWorked <= 40 Then
            Gross_Pay = hrsWorked * hrWage
            Gross_Pay = CSng(40 * hrWage + (hrsWorked - 40) * 1.5 * hrWage)
        End If
    End Function

    Function Total_Pay(ByRef grossPay As Single, ByRef ficaTax As Single, ByRef fedTax As Single, ByRef stateTax As Single) As String

         Compute amount of net pay
        Total_Pay = CStr(grossPay - ficaTax - fedTax - stateTax)
    End Function

    Function Fed_Tax(ByRef grossPay As Single, ByRef fedTax As Single) As Single
        Compute amount to be taken for Federal Tax
        fedTax = grossPay * fedTax

    End Function

    Function Fica_Tax(ByRef grossPay As Single, ByRef ficaTax As Single) As Single
        Compute amount to be taken for FICA Tax
        ficaTax = grossPay * ficaTax

    End Function

    Function State_Tax(ByRef grossPay As Single, ByRef stateTax As Single) As Single
        Compute amount to be taken for State Tax
        stateTax = grossPay * stateTax

    End Function

My problem is in the listoutput I recieve numerous errors that says " Too many arguments to Public Overloads Function Add(item As Object) As Integer." I would like it to say which item added is in the output (i.e. Fica = 15.00, Gross Pay:15.00...etc)

My second problem is that for some reason it isnt displaying correctly. I can get some of it to display such as Gross Pay but all the rest are zeros. Any idea!

And finally my third problem is How do I stop the user from entering more then 4 employees like the instructions say?

Thank you for your help! :D


:D :D

I really didnt describe my first error that well, I get them here (the underline parts)

lstOutput.Items.Add("Payroll results for ", & empName)

and the following outputs!
First, change the line to (I removed the comma):
lstOutput.Items.Add("Payroll results for " & empName)

In all the rest of your functions, youre not returning anything. For example, change the State Tax function to:
Function State_Tax(ByRef grossPay As Single, ByRef stateTax As Single) As Single
    Compute amount to be taken for State Tax
    State_Tax = grossPay * stateTax
End Function

You return a value by setting the function name (State_Tax in this case) to a value. You DID do that Gross_Pay which is why its working.

What does your UI look like? Are you using DataSets? To help you limit them to 4 employees, I need more info on how youre storing the 4 youve got. (Grid entry, textboxes, etc.)


I dont really know what you mean by UI, I am just storing the employees name in the list box and then want it to clear the form and allow the user to add another name. I was thinking about using a do while loop but really didnt know how to put it in, everytime i did it would allow me to enter one name and then it would just add that one name 4 times!!!