Long Horn - Palladium


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
Has anyone heard about the effects that Long Horn/Palladium/et al are going to have on .net programming?


For example, the new version of word is called word .net. It seems to be a more integrated to the overall operating system then the current version of Word. Also, it appears to be a web-based paradigm.
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And you expected there to be less integration? Microsoft has a "small" paradigm when it comes to such an issue, court cases or no court cases. :)
Actually, I never said I expected there to be less integration, but thanks for the comment anyways. Does anyone else info?

I was asking if anyone had heard about effects on the new operating system & security would have on .Net programming. Whenever Microsoft comes out with a new operating system, their programming tools usually lag behind in a few areas. Usually, you can find developers who know these areas in advance because they Beta tested the release.

For example, when windows 95 came out one of the features was the "long file name". VB4, MSAccess & VBA tools did not have this functionality, but work arounds were out before windows 95 was released.

The new operating systen seems to have dropped the sdi motiff for the web look, but I have not seen any similar looks in the .NET tool box. The ASPs that I have seen have been significantly behind, what is coming out.

Go Red Sox
You have to remember that Longhorn is more than 2 years away. Whidbey, the next version of Visual Studio .NET, is currently in alpha, and already supports some of what Longhorn has to offer, including XAML (yes, XAML not XML). Most people wont hear of these types of features or the new Longhorn API until late in the beta/release candidate stages when testers and develolpers are no longer under the watchful eyes of non-disclosure agreements.
Thanks alot, Derek. That is exactly what I wanted to hear.

Longhorn had taken me by surprise, as I was busy on my own product release.

I had heard that a release was coming out in 2 weeks, which is true, but it turns out to be a pre-beta.

Longhorn UI publicly unveiled: Expected October 2003***
Longhorn public developer preview: Expected October 2003
Longhorn Beta 1: Expected early 2004
Longhorn Beta 2: Expected late 2004
Longhorn final release: Expected 2005
After re-reading my previous post it may have been slightly unclear. Whidbey is not slated for release with Longhorn, nor is it intended to contain support for it on any grand scale. Orcas, the following version of Visual Studio .NET with be the coinciding release, and will contain the support you seem to be enquiring about. Very few changes will be made to the framework thatll be released with Whidbey and most improvements focus on the development environment itself.
On the contrary, there are many significant changes and additions to the framework for the Whidbey release - it has been given a 2.0 version to reflect this.

Whidbey will coincide with the release of SQL Server "Yukon" which hosts the CLR for pretty deep integration between the two.
Obviously you are in a better position to judge for various reasons Tim, however my statements were focused at changes and new additions that are present as a result of Longhorn, not SQL Server "Yukon" or various other pieces of the puzzle. Yet again, Ive managed to be less than clear, so I think Ill just step back from this thread. :)
I cant wait for Whidbey and yukon to go gold. Even 1.1 of Visual Studio is buggy enough to cause me hours of lost time (when it "eats" my control properties on inherited forms for instance).

Ah well, in the middle of upgrading to a "2.0" of some 3rd party controls this week - cant handle too many upgrades at once!

Personally I cant wait for database caching and .NET stored procedures (in conjunction with "Yukon"), by far two of the most useful features in version "2.0". I could care less about the IDE changes, frankly.

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