Oct 10, 2003 #1 B BlueOysterCult Well-known member Joined Oct 3, 2003 Messages 84 What does the "iif" acronym mean? Rob
Oct 10, 2003 #2 Robby Moderator Joined Nov 17, 2002 Messages 3,461 Location Montreal, Ca. User Rank *Expert* In what context? VBA uses IIF as a conditional operator.
Oct 10, 2003 #3 B BlueOysterCult Well-known member Joined Oct 3, 2003 Messages 84 as in strOrderSummary &= iif(radDlivery.checked, "Delivery", "Take out")
Oct 10, 2003 #4 hog Well-known member Joined Mar 17, 2003 Messages 984 Location UK iif(expression,true result, false result) myvar = iif(1 > 2, "yes", "no") myvar will equal "no"
Oct 10, 2003 #5 M Merrion Well-known member Joined Sep 29, 2001 Messages 265 Location Dublin, Ireland User Rank *Experts* Inline if?
Oct 10, 2003 #6 Derek Stone Exalted One Joined Nov 17, 2002 Messages 1,878 Location Rhode Island User Rank *Expert* Yep, same as it was back in Visual Basic.
Oct 10, 2003 #7 V Volte Neutiquam Erro Joined Nov 17, 2002 Messages 2,165 User Rank *Expert* Note, in C# it is the ?: operator. Its kind of wierd. C#: String desc; desc = (5 > 7) ? "greater" : "less"; MessageBox.Show("5 is " + desc + " than 7"); It works like this: <var> = <expression> ? <true part> : <false part>
Note, in C# it is the ?: operator. Its kind of wierd. C#: String desc; desc = (5 > 7) ? "greater" : "less"; MessageBox.Show("5 is " + desc + " than 7"); It works like this: <var> = <expression> ? <true part> : <false part>
Oct 10, 2003 #8 wyrd Well-known member Joined Aug 23, 2002 Messages 1,408 Location California Its kind of wierd. Click to expand... It has the same syntax as C/C++, Java etc. How is it weird?
Oct 10, 2003 #9 V Volte Neutiquam Erro Joined Nov 17, 2002 Messages 2,165 User Rank *Expert* the syntax can be confusing if youve never seen it before. I think its the only tertiary operator there is, in C# at least.
the syntax can be confusing if youve never seen it before. I think its the only tertiary operator there is, in C# at least.