Need help with code (If then)


New member
Oct 15, 2003
Im a student doin an introductory course in Visual Basic .Net and im having trouble with a lab assignment.
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim fmtStr As String = "{0,-15} {1,20} {2,15}"
Dim sin, week As String
Dim hours, wages As Double
lstDisplay.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtStr, "S.I.N.", "Week Ending", "Gross Pay"))
GetData(sin, week, hours, wages)
DisplayGross(fmtStr, sin, week, hours, wages)
End Sub

Sub GetData(ByRef sinNumber As String, ByRef weekEnd As String, ByRef hoursWork As Double, ByRef amountPaid As Double)
sinNumber = txtSIN.Text
weekEnd = txtWeek.Text
hoursWork = CDbl(txtHours.Text)
amountPaid = CDbl(txtHours.Text)
End Sub

Sub DisplayGross(ByVal fmtStr As String, ByVal Dsin As String, ByVal Dweek As String, ByVal Dhours As Double, ByVal Dwages As Double)
lstDisplay.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtStr, Dsin, Dweek, CalcGross(Dhours, Dwages)))
End Sub

Function CalcGross(ByVal h As Double, ByVal w As Double) As Double
If h > 40 Then
Return (h - 40) * (1.5 * w) + (h * w)
Return h * w
End If
End Function
this is what im doin and using h = 50 and w = 10 it should return 550 but instead it returns 3250 so obviously im doin sumpin wrong i just cant figure out what, it shouldnt be the calculation as when i done it on paper it worked out. any help would really be appreciated.
(50-40) * (1.5 * 10) + (10*50)
10 * 15 + 500
150 + 500 = 650

Anyway, try checking the values that you pass to the CalcGross function with a MessageBox.Show
MessageBox.Show(Dhours.ToString() & " " & Dwages.ToString())
or, you can test the function itself.
MessageBox.Show(CalcGross(Dhours, Dwages).ToString())