Including INI file in Windows Service Deployment


New member
Sep 3, 2003
Hi, Does anybody know how to include an INI file in the deployment of a VB.NET service? I am able to package it as a content file so that the INI file is installed along with the other files into the chosen directory upon installation of the MSI. However, when i execute my API call to the INI from within the call... the call to the current directory: Directory.GetCurrentDirectory & "\filename.INI"... the current directory turns out to be c:\windows\system32 which makes sense since this is a windows service. However, since the INI is not in this directory, this causes an error.
Does anyone know how to overcome this issue?
Thanks heaps,
Rightclick on "File system on Target machine" en select "Add special folder" and then "system folder"
then youll see the folder on the right, and put your ini file in there and it schould install to %systemroot%/system32