i found this code and edit it but some bug about number


Active member
Sep 12, 2003
HELP! HELP! HELP ME PLEASE >> i found this code and edit it but some bug about number

i call it like this

double NetTotal = ((SubTotal-Advance)+TRate)+Vat;
lblNetTotal.Text = NetTotal.ToString("###,###,##0.00");

and this is fs function
public void fs(double allNum)
		string firstNum=Convert.ToString(allNum);

			ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
			string[] parts = firstNum.Split(.);
			int countArray = 0;

			foreach(string a in al) 
				countArray +=1;
				if (countArray==1)
					double NetFirst = Convert.ToDouble(a);
					lblToText.Text = IntegerToWords(NetFirst);
					double NetSec = Convert.ToDouble(a);
					lblToText.Text = lblToText.Text + " and " + IntegerToWords(NetSec);

and this is interger to word function
public string IntegerToWords(double inputNum) 
			int dig1,dig2,dig3,level=0,lasttwo,threeDigits;

			string retval = ""; 
			string x = "";
			string[] ones={
			string[] tens={
			string[] thou={

			bool isNegative=false;
			if (inputNum<0) 

			if (inputNum==0)
				return ("zero");

			string s=inputNum.ToString();

			while (s.Length>0) 
				// Get the three rightmost characters
				x=(s.Length<3) ? s : s.Substring(s.Length - 3, 3);

				// Separate the three digits
				lasttwo=threeDigits % 100;
				dig1=threeDigits / 100;
				dig2=lasttwo / 10;
				dig3=(threeDigits % 10);

				// append a "thousand" where appropriate
				if (level>0 && dig1+dig2+dig3>0) 
					retval=thou[level] + " " + retval;

				// check that the last two digits is nonzero    
				if (lasttwo>0) 
					if (lasttwo<20)  // if less than 20, use "ones" only 
						retval=ones[lasttwo] + " " + retval;
					else  // otherwise, use both "tens" and "ones" array
						retval=tens[dig2] + " " + ones[dig3] + " " + retval;

				// if a hundreds part is there, translate it
				if (dig1>0)
					retval = ones[dig1] + " hundred " + retval;

				s=(s.Length - 3)>0 ? s.Substring(0,s.Length - 3) : "";

			while (retval.IndexOf("  ")>0)
				retval=retval.Replace("  "," ");


			if (isNegative)
				retval="negative " + retval;
			return (retval);

problem is if number is 4,846.03 it will convert to Four Thousand Eight hundred Forty Six and Three and it should be Four Thousand Eight hundred Forty Six and Zero Three ,right ?

please help!!!
I guess it depends on what you want. Id prefer "and three", not "and zero three". I didnt look at the IntegerToWords function, but Im assuming its converting the "03" string to a number, which is just 3 and then converting it to the word. Youd have to look at the function in detail to change it if thats what you want.

Now, if this were for decimal calculations, not money, Id agree that might want it "and zero three". Then again, youd probably want the word "cents" on the end and also say "and no cents" if the number were "1.00". Since you have the source code, you can modify it however you (or your clients) want.

Also, change that name from IntegerToWords to NumberToWords or something. I say "NumberToWords" instead of "DoubleToWords" (which would match the type) because you may want to overload this eventually to take other datatypes.
