Masked Edit Control - MSMASK32.OCX
I have included the MSMASK32.OCX into my toolbox. I put such a Masked Edit on my Form1.
When I start the application on my computer where development environment is installed, everything works fine.
When I want to start my program on a machine where only the .NET-Framework is installed, it crashes on starting up in the sub "InitializeComponent()" at the following line:
CType(Me.AxMaskEdBox1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
[This is a normal ending instruction for initializing components and is automatically added by the development environment!]
I have also put the necessary DLLs for the MaskedEdit are also in the application environment.
So, where might be the bug?
I have included the MSMASK32.OCX into my toolbox. I put such a Masked Edit on my Form1.
When I start the application on my computer where development environment is installed, everything works fine.
When I want to start my program on a machine where only the .NET-Framework is installed, it crashes on starting up in the sub "InitializeComponent()" at the following line:
CType(Me.AxMaskEdBox1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
[This is a normal ending instruction for initializing components and is automatically added by the development environment!]
I have also put the necessary DLLs for the MaskedEdit are also in the application environment.
So, where might be the bug?