Upgrading a project from vb6?


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
Hey all,
I used to have vb.net 2002, there i could update a vb6 project to .net, but i now have vb.net 2003 and it always gives errors when i try, doen anyone know what wrong?
What errors does it give? There is a migration wizard in 2003 (not sure if its in all versions though). Although its an improvement over the one in 2002 its still pretty naff and I would recomend against using it.
it give an error about comondialog crontrole,
Dont know if this can be the problem, but i remenber i use to have vb6 install on the compiter with vb.net 2002, but befor i installed 2003 i formated my c, so can it be i need to install all the vb6 ocxs?
You will also need VB6 installed to get the customer controls on your system so the wizard can upgrade code that references them.
Probably better of just re-writting the code in VB.Net - the wizard generates bad code with lots of VB6 calls and a compatability layer thrown in as well.
Trust me - it will probably be easier and better to write it again.
hmmz, well maybe ill rewrite it, only prob is it not my code, it my dads and we well code a bit deferently anyhow, thanx for letting me know it was becouse i dont have vb6 anymore
Most of the can USUALLY be just copied into VB.NET and it will work - the only real problems are when its using Active-X controls.
Ok, ill try it when i have a lot of time(in 2 days)
Thanx for yout help and if it doent work ill compile it on my dads comp.