Clock - stop user from editing time


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2003
Audubon, Nj
Is there a way to restrict users from changing the system time on the p.c. through .net?

I just want to SHOW the time in the lower-right hand corner of the screen. I want to restrict users from dbl-clicking or right clicking and adjusting the time. As my program will be taking time-sensitive statistics from the machine, and sync with the server time upon executing of the program.
I understand your problem but I think it isnt a good solution...

Since you have a server and you use it to sync whatever you are doing, set an internal timer and sync with the server clock!
This way the user can mess around with the workstation clock that it wont affect you program!...

When I work with a Server, mostly is because Ive a database there... If I have a database there most likelly its a SQL 2000 database.

If you scenario is like this, or the server have SQL Server you can get it from there.
Create a SP that retrieves the server time...

If you dont have SQL Server installed and since you have to make available that time to the network (I supose) you can make a very simple WebService that retrieves the server time...

What do u think ? :D
Thats all way above my head. Im using a windows 2000 server, with mySql.

I dont know how to create an "SP"

I dont know anything on how to create a webservice, nevertheless a simple webservice.

My experience is only creating visual basic programs, database, and FoxPro.
:D ok...
An "SP" its a StoredProcedure... The new version of mySQL will support that...

About mySQL I dont know much but I believe it will retrieve the server date with this Transact statement: SELECT Now()

Personally I would use a WebService... Sounds nicer! :D
And its a piece of cake to do... Try that mySQL statement, if you want Ill give you the WebService code... :p
What is the desktop OS? Are the machines part of a Domain? IF so the ability to change the system time isnt granted to ordinary users anyway.
They need to upgrade their network badly. Id use the stored procedure mentioned/web service mentioned above. Nothing an administrator sets on a 98 machine via config.pol (policy file on NT 4.0 server) cant be over-ridden by a skilled user on 98.
We dont hire skilled computer users to run the programs I create. Skilled computer users wouldnt apply for these positions either (I hope).

Can we please stick to the main subject of this thread? Im talking about programatically restricting users from altering computer system time. Upgrading the server, and hundreds of workstations is not an option.
But sticking to the projrct.... did you tried any of the ideas I gave you?

If not, do it.... because theyre the easyer and most productive options.
See thats the thing, I dont have mySQL server setup yet. For the time being Im using an access database. I have no way of testing the SQL now() statement.

In addition, the NOW() would be executed when I insert or update a record. I need to know the NOW() time, to display timers on the screen to the user. So to get the NOW() time I would have to do a select after I did the intsert or update - which we know is a little counter productive.