I need a little help

Irving Lugo

Jul 1, 2003
New York City
Ive never programmed before, but Ive been studying VB.Net for the last 6 months or so. I need a little help clarifying the exact steps in starting a new application. I seem to get a bit confused with Methods and Variables. Im wondering if anybody has or knows where I get a small tutorial that would explain the steps, and possibly explain each detail step by step. I think that I
I got started with a Step by Step book... the "Learn ___ in 21 days" series is really good as well. If you need any help contact me on msn, tzodem @ hotmail.com
Hi, your main problem is that you never programmed. Frist you should understand the basic concepts of programming
1 variables
2 loop
3 conditions
4 arrays
5 functions
then you will be able to program and if you really want to start good programming so you should start from C or C++ then you can shift in any programming language easily.
For VB.Net Mastering VB.net amd 21 days series are good books.
if you really want to start good programming so you should start from C or C++ then you can shift in any programming

I dont think this is a very good advice. If you havent started programming then VB.NET will teach you the basics of programming just like any other language(may be better).

You should not waste your time trying to learn C, C++ ...

Just go with simple VB.NET book, there are plenty on the market.

Microsoft Press has a VB.NET Step by Step check that out..

Hope this helps,