Draw Ellipse using a series of points


Jul 9, 2003
Hi all,

I can draw a rectangle using the drawRectangle method or I can draw a rectangle using the drawPolygon method using a series of points.

Dim rectangle(4) As Point
rectangle(0) = New Point(0,0)
rectangle(1) = New Point(100,0)
rectangle(2) = New Point(100,200)
rectangle(3) = New Point(0,200)
rectangle(4) = New Point(0,0)
myGFX.DrawPolygon(purplePEN, rectangle)

I know I can draw an ellipse using the drawEllipse method, but how do I draw an ellipse using a series of points?

The ellipse points are the same as if you were to draw a diamond.

If I want to rotate the rectangle 45 degrees I simply send the points of the rectangle to my rotate function along with the angle and the rectangle points are all rotated 45 degrees. I need the ellipse as a series of points so I can rotate them in the same way.

If the ellipse cant be draw with a series of points then how can I draw an ellipse rotated around its center point by 45 degrees?

Matt Scotney