Multi-Threading Windows Media Player


New member
Nov 9, 2003
I was wondering if anyone has every tried working with the wmp.dll ActiveX object in multiple threads. I have a application which has a form with a few ActiveX objects (SHDocVw, ShockwaveFlashObjects and wmp.dll) all of which may or may not be used.

I then generate multiple instances of the form and display them on multiple monitors. All works OK when everything is started in the same thread.

I decided to have a go at testing multi-threading in the app by creating each new instance of the form in its own thread. I now find that quite often the media player becomes tempera-mental and will play on some monitors but not on others. (The new threaded app is much smoother - however it is much less stable and I am having this WMP problem).

I have had no problems up until now in the original application (except the odd jittering on paint if I load up the processor by having a movie file playing on EVERY screen).

Can anything think of a reason (to do with multi-threading or not) that could be causing the wmp.dll object to start misbehaving?
