string arrays and parameters


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2003
Hi everyone.

Im trying to pass a list of string values through a procedure that will remove the values of the strings from a text file. This procedure is in a seperate class and is called by a module using the command line.

the code I have for the proc:
Public Sub RemoveFile(ByVal RemovalList() As String)
Dim FileInList As String
Dim IsSameFile As Integer
Dim TempFileList As New ArrayList()
Dim FileToRemove As String

FileInList = FileStreamReader.ReadLine()

For Each FileToRemove In RemovalList

While Not FileInList Is Nothing
IsSameFile = FileToRemove.CompareTo(FileInList)
If IsSameFile <> 0 Then
FileInList = FileStreamReader.ReadLine()
LogEntry.AddEntry("The File " & FileInList & " was removed ")
FileInList = FileStreamReader.ReadLine()
End If
End While
Next FileToRemove

...and some other stuff to recreate


Im trying this in the module

myclass.removefile("this.txt", "that.txt")

no soup. No matter how many vales, I receive a ("Value of Type String cannot be converted to a 1-dimensional array of String)

I understand the error - but cant think of another way to get this functionality.

Ive tried using collections, arraylists, and the like - still no luck. Im guessing its a simple problem that Ill see after many a beers. But, if any of you have an idea - Id be much obliged.

What you are doing is passing in 2 arguments, when the method wants only one, an array. You could build that array in your method, or if you want to pass in a smiliar way you showed you can do it like this:
RemoveFile(New String(){"firstvalue", "secondvalue", "thridvalue"})
got it

Thanks for the input. As expected, after a beer or two I came up with a different solution.

I passed a String array to the method call (rather than multiple string objects or casting a new object in the parameter). Ill be doing this anyway.

Then, I modified the code in the method to parse the array. for those interested, herew what I came up with.

--Begin code--

Public Sub RemoveFile(ByVal RemovalList() As String)
Dim FileInList As String
Dim IsSameFile As Integer
Dim TempFileList As New ArrayList()
Dim FileToRemove As String
Dim removecounter As Integer = 0

FileInList = FileStreamReader.ReadLine()

While Not FileInList Is Nothing
FileInList = FileStreamReader.ReadLine()
End While


For Each FileToRemove In RemovalList
removecounter = TempFileList.Count
Loop While TempFileList.Count < removecounter

Next FileToRemove

--End Code-

Basically, this sub reads a file - puts the string values into an arraylist object, compares all values of the String array passed to it in the paramater call, and removes those values from the arraylist that are identical in the list.

I then use an enumerator object to rebuild the original file with the values left in the arraylist.

Not sure if it is the most efficient way, but it gets the job done for now.

thanks again.
