How to install vb6 and on same machine


Active member
Jun 24, 2003
I have been informed VB6 and VB.NET can be installed on the same machine.

I have been looking on the Microsoft site but cant find any white paper on it.

If I install VB6 with sourcesafe what affect does that have on .net?
Which MSDN should I install so it is compatible with the right verson of VB?

I would appreciate it if any of you can point me in the direction of the answers.
I have tried installing both on the same machine...
No problem at all and the files dont get mess up at all...
VB6 files still runs on VB6 compiler while .NET files still stick to the .NET studio to run.
Do you use Sourcesafe?

Do you know how to install it? When I installed VS.NET I couldnt find sourcesafe.
Sourcesafe is not installed by the Visual Studio .NET setup application (CDs 1 through 3). It is on the 4th or 5th CD and has to be installed separately.