Visual Studio Purchase Advise Please


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2003
Audubon, Nj
I may have to buy visual studio, because I need crystal reports and its not shipped with visual standard - and crystal developer standalone is around $500

I am a visual basic and foxpro developer.

I looked on some sites and found confusing can someone answer some questions I have:

Whats the difference between visual studio enterprise ($1k) and professional($500), and ENTERPRISE DEVELOPER ($1.2k)?

What is Open Software License Level C?

Will all of those packages offer the crystal reports in their bundle?

Any other considerations please?
i dont now which has which, but some of the packages also included Visio linked in somehow and some other software. I know at work we have VS.NET 3/4 times, with anything from 5 cd for one package to 17 cds for another.
Oh, no doubt there is gonna be a LOT of cds. I know it comes with C++, VB, FoxPro, (and i think java and maybe one other language). So far thats probably 6 CDs just for the applications. Now the MSDN package (which are the documents) will probably be 4+ more cds.

I already screwed up by buying standard - thinking crystal reports would be included since it was with ever other version Ive worked around, but that mistake wasnt too bad around $100. The $500+ mistakes hurt.
Well, I see that crystal reports is listed in processional, under "choosing my edition".

Enterprise offers server software. Also, was designing web applications in, and tried to add odbc adapter and got dumb error "feature not offered in this version of .net". Doesnt like me using sources other then Microsoft SQL server.