

Well-known member
Sep 11, 2003
wyrd should be interested in this and anyone else; I wrote a DLL that will draw actual cards onto a surface you send by ref (Graphics object)... I saw wryds post from last year about a BlackJack game earlier this month and wanted to have real cards vs. numbers, if you keep the size of the rectangle you send about 80 wide and 100 tall everything looks pretty good, the images I used on the face cards and jokers are pretty pathetic but they get the job done... hope someone out there can use it. This was my first attempt at doing such a graphically intense project... so let me know what you think!

PS, the deck shuffles itself, can have or remove jokers and can be more than one deck; the best way to initlize this would be:

CardsLib.Card [] myCards = new CardsLib.Deck.Cards;
[edit]Attachement removed - Please do not post binaries in attachements[/edit]
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I dont think you are allowed to post binaries. You would need to include the source so people could compile it themselves.

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