Disabling Capslock


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2003
Kent, Uk.
Is there a way i can write a program to run in the background, that will turn off Capslock if i accidentally press it when typing in any program?

I havent got a clue where to start with this.

This is the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard.

Instead you can trap the keypress events in your application to not allow Caps.
>This is the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard.
Why thank you ;)

Its a stupid boss request, he keep pressing capslock when typing and realising after bout 3 sentences later - so i get the job of trying to figure out, how to disable it by writing a program that will run as a background process. He didnt like my idea about physically removing the key :(

I dont think he will get what he wants on this once......
It would hardly use any resources at all. A timer will not have a significant impact on a system that performs billions of operations per second. If your boss is too thick-headed to remove the key, then this is your only solution just about, so go with it, nomatter how disgusting it seems. As long as youre getting paid to do it, who cares? :)
Excellent. I shall look into these. I managed to convince i was too busy to even consider it for quite some time - give it a week and hopefully he will forget :)
Have him buy a "good" keyboard. I use the MS Internet Pro (lots of extra buttons). The software, Intellitype Pro, includes the ability of turning off the CAPS lock key. Yes, seriously :)

Just a note....have you ever noticed if you enter Microsoft Word with the Caps Lock on, and start typing a sentence like: "[shift]tHIS", as soon as you hit space it will correct the first word and toggle the Caps Lock for you? Ive always thought that was pretty cool.
>Its cheaper to buy a new keyboard then paying to develop a silly program like that.

Very true, but i usually work with ingres, and i would much rather make a stupid VB app then write a serious app to run on ingres.
Disabling caps lock isnt a stupid idea. I hit it very frequently when I go for the A key, and I never intentionally use it at all. I used to disable it all the time with a powertoy that was available for the purpose (i think it was only for win9x or something like that, its been a while).

Im not interested in taking keys off the keyboard (but jamming something under the button is tempting).