Structure CdType
Dim strArtist As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strYear As String
Dim strCategory As String
End Structure
Public CdArray() As CdType
#Region "Utility Procedures (non-UI)"
Public Sub OpenFile()
Get an available file number, store it in the global variable, and open the file.
gintCdFileNum = FreeFile()
FileOpen(gintCdFileNum, gstrCdFileName, OpenMode.Input)
End Sub
Public Sub GetNextRecord()
Get the next record, but only if we arent already at the end of the file
If Not EOF(gintCdFileNum) Then
Input(gintCdFileNum, gstrArtist)
Input(gintCdFileNum, gstrTitle)
Input(gintCdFileNum, gshtYear)
Input(gintCdFileNum, gstrCategory)
End If