Using a preprinted/Overlay(macro) for printing


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2003
Im trying to find the best way to do overlay printing in .net. In Dos version of the software one could send the overlay(a macro) to the printer and it would stay loaded in the printer until you unloaded it. There were on and off control sequences that could be sent to the printer to control this.

In windows I can load the overlay into the printer memory but windows treats it as a print job and so if it doesnt print in the alloted time it times out and is deleted or forced to print.

So my question is... Is there a way to load an overlay into a printer without the system thinking it is a print document.

Any help would be appreciated
Ivd tried to find more information on what I am looking for. I think it may be called passthrough printing. You would give windows an escape sequence so that it ignores the data you sent to the printer until you want it to. I cant find anywhere how you would do this though
I figured out how to accomplish my end goal at least and that was to use the program that was creating the pcl overlays and have it export it as a bmp and then just use that image to do my printing on.