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It seems that my code doest catch any event. I dont know where the problem is so if someone can help it would nice.TIA

public class MonitorRasConn


             public struct  SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES{

                    public long nLength;

                        public long IpSecurityDescriptor;

                        public long bInheritHandle;

                    public SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(long nLength,long IpSecurityDescriptor,long bInheritHandle){

                            this.nLength = nLength;

                                this.bInheritHandle = bInheritHandle;

                                this.IpSecurityDescriptor = IpSecurityDescriptor;



                 const UInt32 RASCN_Connection = 1;

            const UInt32 RASCN_Disconnection = 2;

                const UInt32 WAIT_OBJECT_0 = 0;

                const UInt32 WAIT_FAILED = 0xFFFFFFFF;//4294967295;

                const UInt32 WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x102;//258;

                [DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint="CreateEvent")]

            static extern IntPtr CreateEvent(ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES eventAttributes,

              bool manualReset, bool initialState, String name);

                [DllImport("rasapi32.dll", EntryPoint="RasConnectionNotification")]

                static extern UInt32 RasConnectionNotification

                (long hRasConn,IntPtr hEvents,UInt32 dwFlags);

                [DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint="WaitForMultipleObjects")]

                static extern UInt32 WaitForMultipleObjects

                (UInt32 nCount,ref IntPtr Handles,bool WaitAll,UInt32 time);

                public void MonitorConn(){

                    long RasNotif,hRasConn = 0;long WaitRet;

                        SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES Sd = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();

                        Sd.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(Sd);

                        Sd.bInheritHandle = 0;

                      Sd.IpSecurityDescriptor = 0; 

                    IntPtr[] hEvents = new IntPtr[2];

                        hEvents[0] = CreateEvent(ref Sd, false, false, null);

                        hEvents[1] = CreateEvent(ref Sd, false, false, null);

                        RasNotif = RasConnectionNotification(hRasConn,hEvents[0],RASCN_Connection);

                        if(RasNotif != 0){MessageBox.Show("Function failure");}

                        RasNotif = RasConnectionNotification(hRasConn,hEvents[1],RASCN_Disconnection);

                        if(RasNotif != 0){MessageBox.Show("Function failure");}

                        WaitRet = WaitForMultipleObjects(2,ref hEvents[0],false,20);


                            case WAIT_OBJECT_0:MessageBox.Show("Connected");break; 

                                case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:MessageBox.Show("Disconnected");break;

                                case WAIT_TIMEOUT:break;



