How do I programm a module, using ISDN for sending and recieving data?
Does anybody know what classes have to be used except the ones in CAPI.dll and how to use CAPI.dll with VB.net?
Just for explantion: my aim is to have a component dialing to a pecified phonenumber. There, another component answers the call and sends some data (one XML-file differing in size). After some kind of crosschecking if everything went ok and some stats of the file connection has to be terminated.
Sounds quite simple, but for me this seems to be too much
Any help will be welcome, even if it is just a link (Btw. CAPI documetation didnt use anything, just created more question)
How do I programm a module, using ISDN for sending and recieving data?
Does anybody know what classes have to be used except the ones in CAPI.dll and how to use CAPI.dll with VB.net?
Just for explantion: my aim is to have a component dialing to a pecified phonenumber. There, another component answers the call and sends some data (one XML-file differing in size). After some kind of crosschecking if everything went ok and some stats of the file connection has to be terminated.
Sounds quite simple, but for me this seems to be too much

Any help will be welcome, even if it is just a link (Btw. CAPI documetation didnt use anything, just created more question)