i need to do something like follows
say in a table i have 2 fields as status (boolean) and description(string)
i i need to check status and if it is true only display the description
this is what i wrote in my page_load of C# page
MyList.DataSource = productCatalogue.GetProducts(categoryId);
Mylist is a DataList and from GetProducts function i can get all the details of the table
And in aspx page i wrote
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "description") %>
what my problem is i dont know how to check the status here
this is in a web application in C# .net environment
if anyone have an idea pls help
thank you
i need to do something like follows
say in a table i have 2 fields as status (boolean) and description(string)
i i need to check status and if it is true only display the description
this is what i wrote in my page_load of C# page
MyList.DataSource = productCatalogue.GetProducts(categoryId);
Mylist is a DataList and from GetProducts function i can get all the details of the table
And in aspx page i wrote
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "description") %>
what my problem is i dont know how to check the status here
this is in a web application in C# .net environment
if anyone have an idea pls help
thank you