split method problem

Ace Master

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2003

I know how to make the split for a vbtab for example but cant make it working if I want to make the split for a tab and for each element which start with "#"

this is my code :
        Dim my As New System.IO.StreamReader("test.txt")
        Dim Line As Object

        Line = my.ReadToEnd
        info1 = Line.split(vbtab)

How is possible to see if an element from that text file start with "#" and if so to ignore him and not to put in the array.

As far as I know there aint any methods to filter strings while using the split function.
The only thing you could do is split your string and afterwards check your array and delete all itmes starting with #. But I bet you thought about that already.

Have a look at the RegEx class in the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace. Its constructor takes a string representing a regular expression. The object created exposes a Split methode.... Cant tell you exactly how to solve your problem, but I guess the help files on RegEx could help you on the way. Regular expressions are very powerfull and are used in languages such as Perl...