A chess Game!


New member
Dec 29, 2003
Does anyone know a code for a chess game? If not the whole chess game, just the movement of the knight around a board is great. I want to make my own game similar to chess but I dont want to do all the preliminary programming to make a chess game. If I already have the chess code, it will be easy to change the code around. 3D would be great but 2D is fine. Visual C++.net would be great but Visual Basic.net is fine (I have both I just like Visual C++.net better)

Ooo, my turn, my turn...

Id like something like Doom 3. But not too complicated, maybe just a couple of enemies and a few of the weapons (the sourcecode and graphics, please). Oh, and some good docs so I can easily pick up the engine.

Sorry, I diverge...

Do you need help with:
A. Graphics programming
B. Game AI programming
C. How to implement the "rules"
D. How to write the game loop/user interface
E. All of the above

Nerseus- if you get to have that I want the sourcecode and graphics to Unreal Tournament and I want the source code to be intensily commented to explain to me what device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TirangleList, 1, verts); and every other line of code means so that I can change the name on the assembly and say I wrote it!