Try to do my first Game Questions


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2003
I will try to keep this related to syntax as much as possible, however first I must tell you what brings me here.
I bought this book called :Windows Game Programing with Visual at a yard sale. At the time I didnt realize that the VB version would be 5... Naturally that is not my version. Mine is 2002.
Here is my first problem. Here is how the program starts off.
 Dim dx As DxGraphics
Dim gameDebugger As graphicsDebugger
Dim gameActive As Boolean
That is no problem. Also that is done under form_load
Then also added uder form load is
As most of you more experianced programer can guess my problem will start at the lines InitGame and PlayGame...
What should I do with these? Should they be Dimensioned as something and if so what? Please try to help me get my feet wet with this type of programing. I Have finished a beginers level of at college with a grade of "B" Which is decent... But if one thing I have learn from college is that just because you get a grade doesnt make you really know how to do something.
I will gladly take web links to pages that show me how to intergrate directX into programing.
Not sure about the actual reasons behind the code listed but...

You dont need in the forms load event as the form is already loading ready to show.

It is now Application.DoEvents

InitGame & PlayGame I can only presume are procedures detailed elsewhere in your book which do what they say, namely Initialise the game then play the game in a loop until something happens to stop the loop.