VB NET IM program

Jan 4, 2004
Im attempting to create an IM program in VB .net. I would like it to connect to the oscar.aol.com server. How would I do this? The program will also connect to the icq.com, messenger.hotmail.com, and scs.yahoo.com servers. I would like to provide all of the functions that AIM/MSN messenger/Yahoo messenger, etc. provide. By connecting to the servers, do I get these functions? If so, how would I call them up? If not, how would I put the functions in? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Much!
This is difficult to do. Each IM service has its own protocol for
communicating between the servers and the clients. As I recall,
the AIM protocol isnt even readable text most of the time. I
suggest you do research on the protocols each chat medium uses
before diving into them. If youre going to incorporate IRC into
your program as well, I suggest you start that.

Also, MSN Messenger has a reference you can add to your project
to easily use it.
About the functionality of the program it will have to be hard coded, the servers doesnt give you any functionality, they only send and receive messages (network TCP/IP packets), each one in their own protocol, you will have to create the different functions like "sendIM" for each server, the same with login, chats, etc...
Its an arduous task to do what you want.
I had a feeling that this would end up being true. I have done research over the internet and have found the necessary protocols. To make the job easier, I have two friends that are willing to help me out on this project, one of which has experience with the AIM OCSCAR and Yahoo messenger protocol.
Lately Microsoft has made MSN that much harder to create with all the security theyve added. I have a feeling that others (Yahoo, AOL, etc), are not far behind and you may not be able to create IM references to these vendors anymore without being a partner (paying for the service). Im not sure how trillian is going now, but there was some doubt about it a couple of months ago when MS first announced the changes.
That sounds like it might be a problem. Id rather not have to break the law by hacking their security in order to make this program. Is it possible to include the actual IM program in the program, but have it so that the buddy list looks different + displays all of the programs buddies? I would like to make this program so that it has all of the major functions that trillian has. If this project is possible and when it is done, I will most likely add in connections to peer to peer servers and allow downloading of music, movies, games, etc. without all of the spyware that most P2P programs come with (KaZaa). I know that I have very high hopes for this program and that it will most likely take me and my team over a year to complete it, I feel that it is possible and the way will be found!
Its probably a long shot, but maybe Ill contact Cerulean Studios and the creators of GAIM and ask nicely, lol. Fat chance of that one happening, especially for someone trying to build a free version of their program. Does anyone have any experience whatsoever with any of the IM server protocols? If so, I would be glad to have you help me in any way possible! Also, any more information regarding the protocols and/or security issues would be greatly appreciated.
Originally posted by lightsabersetc
Its probably a long shot, but maybe Ill contact Cerulean Studios and the creators of GAIM and ask nicely, lol. Fat chance of that one happening, especially for someone trying to build a free version of their program. Does anyone have any experience whatsoever with any of the IM server protocols? If so, I would be glad to have you help me in any way possible! Also, any more information regarding the protocols and/or security issues would be greatly appreciated.

GAIM is supposed to be an open source project, Its on sourceforge, so you may be able to look at the source. Check it out. http://sourceforge.net/projects/gaim/
Thanks for that one. Once I get to a computer that has Visual Studio 6 on it, Ill have a look at it. This looks like it will actually work now that I have something to reference.
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Its actually quite easy to implement Microsofts MSN Messenger protocol in your application. Visit this site:

I have created my own msn bot which allows me to transfer files from my computer to my school, get directory listings etc.
Im not sure where you can find information about other protocols, but this should get you started.
Thanks for that one, it should help with this. I think that AIM is most likely going to be the hardest protocol to implement. If anyone else has any suggestions, Im up for them!

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