I have this class that inherits an ArrayList, and I want to add a Filter Function, I want the method to return the same object (the inherited arraylist) with only some of the items depending on the value of property in the contained object that will be passed as a parameter, and I want the returned items to be the actual items of the arraylist, not a copy of them.
How could this be implemented? Its something like the Filter function in the datasource object.
This is my class:
How could this be implemented? Its something like the Filter function in the datasource object.
This is my class:
Public Class cLineaArrayList
Inherits ArrayList
Default Public Shadows Property item(ByVal Index As Integer) As cLinea
Return DirectCast(MyBase.Item(Index), cLinea)
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As cLinea)
MyBase.Item(Index) = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Shadows Sub Add(ByVal Value As cLinea)
End Sub
This is the function I want to create, but I dont know how to do..
Public Function Filter(FilterIndex As Integer) as cLineaArrayList
I should have to scan all items and copy them, how?
End Function
End Class