Embedded control loads every time


Jun 30, 2003
Montclair (Oakland)CA
HELP! I have posted in various other news groups and forums but to no avail. I need to know how to fix the problem with IE embedded windows form controls not caching on the client like they are supposed too. It should be ver y simple according to MSDN. I have to get this working or the whole project is out the window...
do you talk about asp.net? so maybe post in the asp.net forum :)

sorry i have no knowledge of asp.net - btw php rulez *hide* :D :D :D
Nothing to do with asp.net

This is about an embedded windows forms control in a web page can be htm,html,aspx,php anything that takes the object tag. My problem here is deployment of the dll into client web pages. It does not cache properly like the MSDN doc say it should.
uhm maybe you should write something like a client then you can read the header of the html which you get from that url i think you have to add/change the cache expiration in the header