How get the response from Ping.exe


New member
Feb 6, 2004
From Denver; Stationed in San Diego; getting out i
I would like to use ping.exe to ping a host, then read the response and display the status of the ping on my page. I suppose I could use the System.Diagnostics.Process class to issue the command initially, but I also would need a way to read the response.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
That link is excellent.

Sorry to gatecrash the thread, but is there a good way of converting C# to VB.Net?
>It may be easier to just compile the C# into a DLL and reference that from your VB code

*Looks up at the plane passing over my head*

Cheers, should be able to figure it, i have a couple of books arrived from Amazon, so must work my way through them.